W&J senior Jillian Curtis stands and smiles in front of trees.

­­­麦哲伦项目 takes political science major on historic journey

创建:2022年10月14日|最后更新:2023年9月27日|类别: ,   |  Tagged: , , , ,

WASHINGTON, PA (October 21, (2022年)——刚从一个夏天的奴隶制历史研究中回来, W&J senior Jillian Curtis knows how to make a 麦哲伦项目 work.

A double major in political science and English, she spent May and June traveling through Richmond, Virginia; Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and St. Augustine, 弗罗里达考察了建立在奴隶劳动基础上的历史机构如何教育公众关于奴隶制及其对当今美国的影响.

“这一直是我想做的事情,”柯蒂斯谈到她的麦哲伦时说. “Given the current state of politics in America, 尤其是在种族问题上, 我觉得让自己了解澳门葡京博彩软件国家的真实历史很重要,[并]让更多的人意识到澳门葡京博彩软件如何教育人们不舒服的话题.”

Visiting museums and historic sites in each of the cities she visited, including the American Civil War Museum, 老奴隶市场博物馆, 南方战争纪念教堂, Owens-Thomas房子 & Slave Quarters, 沃姆斯洛州历史遗址, Kingsley Plantation National Park, 林肯维尔博物馆 & 文化中心, as well as Lumpkin’s Slave Jail and the Tuckahoe, Boon Hall and Magnolia plantations, gave her the perfect opportunity to do so.

“我去过的每个城市都与奴隶制和奴隶贸易紧密相连,” Curtis said, 她注意到他们的经济是建立在奴隶劳动的基础上的,她参观的历史遗迹都有纪念. “Richmond was the capital of the confederacy…[while] St. 奥古斯丁,在西班牙统治下, 这是殖民地唯一一个让逃跑的奴隶获得自由的地方吗, in return for service to the Spanish crown.”


“Every single place I visited was different,” Curtis said. “每个网站都有自己的教学方法和自己看待历史的视角. Some places did a wonderful job detailing the atrocities of slavery, some did the best they could with limited resources, and some redirected to other aspects of their history.”

尽管如此,柯蒂斯还是充满希望. Funded by her College to uncover these gaps, she believes in the power and promise of educational institutions.

“I think [the 麦哲伦项目] is a wonderful opportunity,” said the Sigma Tau Delta and Pi Gamma Mu honor society member. “I put my heart and soul into my proposal, tweaking every minute detail to make it perfect, 知道麦哲伦委员会相信我能实现我的目标, 意味着验证, 不仅仅是我的努力, but my personal and intellectual goals as well.”


“毕业后, I intend to move back home to Los Angeles[, California] and pursue a career in politics,” Curtis said. “这个机会让我以一种从未有过的方式对自己负责, 我认为我学到的技能在我进入职场时将是无价之宝.”

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